For our Members and Attendees:
Last Thursday the Centers for Disease Control lifted its mask mandate for people who have been Fully Vaccinated. This does not mean that the mask mandate has been 100 percent lifted. There are people who still need to wear a mask when indoors and in a group setting.
- Those fully vaccinated may worship without their masks.
- You may sit with people who you know have been fully vaccinated (and you are comfortable with).
- We still need to be conscious of each other’s personal space. (some people still desire to social distance).
- The sanctuary will still be marked every-other-pew to maintain a respectable distance.
- Prolonged conversations should take place outside the sanctuary.
- If you have a weakened immune system, you still need to wear a mask.
- If you are taking a biologic medication, then you still need to wear a mask.
- Please respect people’s decisions to wear masks and social distance though they may have been fully vaccinated
These guidelines are based on articles and conversations with people from the healthcare industry, on what the CDC implications would mean for in-person worship. I also appealed to our United Methodist hierarchy and the Bishop’s office, who offered guidance on the guidelines stated above.
Rev. Ronnie Peck