Faith Focus
Here you'll find missives from our pastor, book reviews and other helpful resources to navigate life's journey with a focus on faith.Worship Time Update
From the Administrative Council & the Pastor At the March meeting of the Administrative Council, church leaders discussed our worship service times and schedule. During the seasons of Advent and Lent, we moved to a unified worship schedule with one Sunday Morning...
Guidelines for Safer In-Person Worship & Activities
As we continue to utilize best practices for safer in-person worship and activities while caring for the health of our congregation and community during the pandemic, please use your best judgment in whether attending worship is a smart and safe choice for you, your...
Updated Guidelines for In-Person Worship & Church-Related Meetings, Effective Sunday, May 23, 2021
For our Members and Attendees: Last Thursday the Centers for Disease Control lifted its mask mandate for people who have been Fully Vaccinated. This does not mean that the mask mandate has been 100 percent lifted. There are people who still need to wear a mask when...