Mission & Outreach
We love to feed those in need, with food for the body and soul. From socks for the homeless, along with school supplies for children, to food for the hungry, assistance for victims of natural disasters and much more, serving others is at the heart of who we are at FUMC, caring for those in our community and around the world.Many Ways To Serve
FUMC has numerous ways for you to plug-in and be a part of what’s happening in our community.
Food Pantry
The FUMC Food Pantry has been serving our neighbors in need in our community since the mid-1980s. We feed approximately 3,000 hungry individuals each year, families suffering from job loss, senior citizens coping with illnesses and disabilities, as well as low-income working families simply struggling to make ends meet. Our Food Pantry is able to thrive thanks to generous donations from our church members, and from individuals and organizations throughout the Millington-area community. During the Christmas season, we also provide food boxes to families in need, to ensure they can share in a holiday meal. The Food Pantry is open every Tuesday, the first Thursday, and the third Saturday of each month from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. If you live in the 38053 zip code in Shelby County and need assistance with food, please call our Food Pantry at (901) 872-2771 during the hours it is open to schedule an appointment.

If you are interested in supporting or volunteering to help with our Weekend Backpack Ministry, please contact us!
Weekend Backpack Ministry
Our Millington Municipal Schools are federally classified as Title 1, which means the majority of our community’s students are from lower-income families. As a result, all students in Millington’s schools receive a free breakfast and lunch. However, our Weekend Backpack Ministry was established several years ago to help fill the need, to provide children living in food-insecure homes in our community with nutritious snacks and ready-to-eat meals during the days they are not in school. Our Backpack Ministry serves approximately 90 students each school year. The Backpack Ministry meets every other Monday evening to pack two weeks worth of backpacks for our children in need.
Creation Care
We believe that God created and loves the universe, with its order, complexity and beauty, and gives humans the gift and responsibility to serve as stewards, caregivers and protectors of His creation. Our Creation Care Team plans, provides and engages in opportunities for Earth’s stewardship/creation care through worship, presentations and events offered to our congregation and our community at-large. From clean water, bees and gardens to solar energy, electric cars and much more, at FUMC, we’re moved to love and share ways to preserve and protect God’s creation.

Our Creation Care events are held on a quarterly basis. If you are interested in volunteering with our Creation Care Team, please contact us!

If you are interested in volunteering for our Prayer Shawl Ministry or would like a prayer shawl, please contact us!
Congregational Care / Prayer Shawls
These groups provide ongoing fellowship and witness opportunities for our congregation and our community. We do this through our prayer team, fifth Sunday potlucks, shut-ins visitation and grief support groups & materials. Our Prayer Shawl Ministry is a group of caring individuals who prayerfully knit and/or crochet shawls to provide comfort to people who are going through a difficult time for any reason. Once a shawl is completed, our pastor and congregation pray over each shawl before it is delivered to the person in need.

If you are interested in donating books for our Little Free Library, please contact us!
Little Free Library
Lovingly decorated by the children and youth of our church, our Little Free Library is located near our Food Pantry and Flame Center gym on our church campus. It’s filled with books for children and adults, as well as flash cards, math and reading skills books, crayons and coloring books, to spark creativity and foster a love of reading and learning. Come check out this community-wide literacy minisry, and take a book with you or share a book, too.